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  • A New Beginning [Liberty, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 19

A New Beginning [Liberty, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Read online

Page 19

  Both men started to get nervous when she didn’t say anything for a long time. Jake pulled his fingers out of her sheath and laid his shaky hand on her stomach.

  Grant started to speak when she finally whispered, confused as she looked from one to the other. “You really want to marry me?”

  Jake scowled at her and grabbed her hand, linking their fingers together. “Why is that so unbelievable?”

  She looked up at Jake as he loomed over her, but he could tell she wasn’t really seeing him. Her eyes were unfocused and zeroed in on the ring on her hand.

  “I don’t know. I guess…I didn’t think it was even a possibility.”

  Grant sank his fingers into her hair, turning her to look at him. “Why would you think that, baby?”

  Sara avoided his eyes, looking anywhere except him.

  “Look at me now,” he demanded.

  She slowly raised her eyes to see his features harden and swallowed when she saw the dominance and determination on his face.

  “I just thought you both would never get married again after what happened the first time.” She took a stuttering breath.

  Their gazes were locked on her, silent and waiting.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea right now. I think if you both took the time to think about it, you would decide it isn’t the best choice for you. I don’t want you to end up regretting your decision or want you to feel uncomfortabl—”

  A harsh, impatient sound came from Jake’s throat. “What the fuck just came out of your mouth, baby? Jesus Christ, you say the damnedest things sometimes.”

  He cupped her chin in his hand. “I don’t think you understand. We’re not asking, we’re telling you we’re getting married. Not because I have to, because I love you and I will not live one day that I have to without you tied to me in every way possible.” Jake’s voice hardened. “So, you need to shut the fuck up and just say yes so Grant can stop clenching his jaw and wanting to hit me and stop glaring at me,” Jake growled.

  She paused for a moment. Then a huge smile broke across her face. Amazingly, Jake made her feel better with his arrogant, asshole speech. “Although Jake’s way of proposing leaves a lot to be desired,” she hesitated dramatically.

  Jake snorted and Grant huffed a laugh and waited impatiently.

  “I say yes, yes, yes.” Her voice rose with each word.

  She threw her arms around their necks, and took in their scents and the way they made her feel.

  Grant pulled back enough to dive in for a kiss, taking her mouth with a ravenous hunger. His tongue stroked hers, inhaling every breath she exhaled.

  When Grant raised his head, Jake pulled her toward him with an impatient grunting sound. If Grant’s kiss was ravenous, Jake’s kiss was all-consuming. Taking every bit of response and pleasure from her but also giving himself one hundred-fold, back to her.

  Their loving this time was slow and sweet. Both men pulled every particle of strength they had to hold off their own pending orgasms to make sure she felt everything, every emotion, every sensation, they wanted her to know. Determined that before she left this bedroom, they would take away every ounce of negative perceptions she’d ever had about their love for her.

  Chapter 23

  They decided on a small spring wedding. Just family and a few friends. Sara wasn’t too stressed about it. She had several months to plan it, and she had Gina and Isabel to help her, which made the process go faster but was also more fun.

  First thought, she had to emotionally get through Christmas. She was thrilled and excited for their first holiday together but this would be the first year ever she wouldn’t be with her boys and it was breaking her heart even though she understood it was a busy time for everyone. They all promised to be at the wedding so that was something to look forward to, even besides the wedding itself.

  A few days before Christmas, they put up an enormous Christmas tree in the living room. Sara and Callie had a lot of fun sitting together on the floor, going through all the Christmas decorations that the men brought down from the attic. Oohing and aahing over the really pretty ones.

  Sara grimaced, making both men chuckle when her sore bottom rubbed against the hard floor. She had been punished and lectured when they caught her in the attic, trying to move the boxes on her own when Callie had been down for her nap. They explained that the boxes were too heavy for her and how hurt she could get.

  The punishment might have gone a lot easier if she hadn’t developed a flare of temper and gotten angry with their attitudes. Sara attempted to explain things to them in an insincere, honeyed voice, her little chin jutting out and her hands on her hips. She understood and was grateful they cared, but they could only push her so far before their heads were going to get knocked together and their asses kicked out of the bedroom.

  What might have started off as a few swats on her ass and a one-minute talk turned into a full-on spanking and yelling match. Both of them being their usual arrogant, irritating selves and her doing all the shouting. Thankfully, it finally ended, maybe not what you would call peacefully, but it ended up being mostly pleasurable, with an hour in the bedroom, making up.

  Later and back downstairs, while the girls decorated the tree and drank hot chocolate, the men sat back watching and helping when needed.

  The whole family was delighted with the results. Jake commented the house hadn’t looked so festive since their mom lived there years before.

  Callie talked excitedly about her grandparents and couldn’t wait for them to see the tree when they came to visit for the holidays. They planned to stay for a week. Sara was thrilled and slightly nervous to finally meet the sweet-sounding woman she had talked to several times on the phone.

  She was worried about their mother’s real opinion of their relationship. As a mother of boys, Sara understood how important it was to know their mother approved of her and was okay with the wedding. The few times she’d brought up why she was troubled, she didn’t like how upset they got by her insecurities.

  They both noticed that although she seemed cheerful, she was not eating and losing weight. They knew she wasn’t sleeping very well because she kept them up with her tossing and turning. The brothers did everything they could think of to help and reassure her. They tried giving her extra orgasms each night to try to exhaust her enough to sleep, threatened her with punishments if she didn’t eat, and they even talked to their mother about it.

  They relaxed a bit when their mother told them it would be fine and that there was nothing they could do to make her feel better until the women had met in person. She laughingly told them they’d never understand, that it was a woman thing and to not worry, to just take care of their woman the best they could.

  Finally, Christmas Eve came. She dressed carefully in a long dress in a soft red velvet. She had her hair down like the men liked, but she used a red bow to band it away from her face. She put a minimal amount of makeup on, but knew if she tried to put lipstick on, Grant would only kiss it off and then laugh when she grumbled.

  Callie was beautiful in a red dress they found for her that looked a lot like the one Sara wore, her hair in pigtails with red ribbons that matched the dress. She hadn’t seen her grandparents for months and was extremely excited. She couldn’t stop bouncing or squealing.

  Sara looked up as she sat at her dressing table trying to put on her earrings and sucked in a startled breath. Both men stood just inside the door staring intently, raging with different degrees of inner fire. Sara struggled to catch her breath. They looked incredibly sexy in black dress pants. Jake was wearing a black button-down dress shirt and Grant wore white.

  Just looking at them made her mouth water and a deep, heated flush travel across her face and down her chest. Her womb tightened painfully, and she grimaced at the feeling of moisture sliding down her inner thighs, making her instantly uncomfortable.

  Grant blew out a hard breath and at the same time Jake snorted, arrogantly enjoying the female discomfort they caused.
She straightened, her brows pinched together and stuck her tongue at them.

  Jake huffed out a laugh and held up one hand spreading his fingers. She knew she’d just earned five swats on her bottom.

  Grant was the first to step forward and pull her up off the padded seat and into his arms. “You look so beautiful, baby,” he said, bending to take her mouth. His kiss turned ravenous instantly, taking her breath away.

  When he lifted his head, Sara took in a much-needed deep breath, sighed, and leaned heavily against his chest. She giggled when she was pulled from Grant's arms.

  “My turn” was all the warning she got before Jake’s mouth sank into hers, delving deep, giving her a mind-blowing kiss that left her too weak to stand on her own.

  Grant smiled at the glow and smile their attention left behind. Any residual worry he’d had was swept away.

  Chapter 24

  Their parents came by helicopter late afternoon Christmas Eve day. The extravagance of the helicopter took her off guard. She sometimes forgot how wealthy this family was. Even living in this massive house every day.

  She stood nervously, outside, on the top step by the front door with the guys and watched as their parents walked toward them. Sara gripped her hands together to hide the shaking and ignored the concerned looks Grant and Jake gave her.

  Their parents were in their early sixties, all three attractive people. All of them had dark hair and were tall and you could definitely tell the men were brothers. Their dads were very tall and fit with attractive gray streaked through their hair. Both wore pressed jeans and a dressy button-down shirt over their barrel chests. Their muscular legs were as long as Callie was tall.

  Their mother was one of those timelessly beautiful women that she’d always envied. Shorter than her husbands by several inches, she had smooth, fair skin, a stark contrast to her dark hair. Her hair was cut into a stylish layered cut that reached her shoulders and then curled inward at the ends. She was wearing a pretty dark blue dress that came up above her knees. Her focus was on one of her husbands, holding his hand and laughing at something he was saying. The other father carried several bags of presents and just chuckled.

  Sara could see where the men got their good looks and their large bodies.

  Sara was surprised and relieved, swallowing back the tears that burned her eyes, when Nancy hugged her tight and exclaimed how pleased she was her boys finally found a woman like her.

  Richard and David, their dads, were very laid-back but Richard turned out to be an enormous jokester. His wife would chastise him for teasing her, but you could tell he loved to do it. She really didn’t mind. He made her feel like she had been a part of the family for years.

  They got the three settled in their bedroom at the far end of the hallway. The same one they used when they lived here when the boys were growing up. Shortly after they arrived, they all gathered to relax in the living room. They enjoyed eating the appetizers Gina had spent part of the morning making, drinking eggnog, and admiring the tree.

  Sara sat on one side of the long cream sofa with Grant sitting next to her on the cushion, encouraging her to try the different treats. Jake sat on the arm of the sofa on her other side. At no time did she not have one or both men touching her in some way.

  It helped her discomfort knowing their mother was used to ménage relationships and when Sara would catch her smiling affectionately at them as one of them or both were touching her.

  She also had never noticed how much these men touch her. If they were in the same room, they had their hands or lips on her. And now she was so used to it she hadn’t considered what everyone else saw when they looked at them.

  Sara took in a deep breath as she looked around the room. Festive Christmas decorations were spread across the room.

  It finally dawned on Sara that she was finally, really relaxed. She hadn’t known how much stress she was carrying around until it was gone. Sara sat back against the soft cushion and watched the family interact with each other.

  Callie was the entertainment for the night. Richard, David, and Nancy laughed at Callie’s interpretation of the Grinch and ooh’d and aww’d over the pictures and crafts she’d made for Christmas.

  Sara smiled and guessed Callie would be in bed exhausted by early evening. She hadn’t stopped bouncing and talking since her grandparent’s arrival.

  Gina placed another tray of appetizers on the sofa table in front of Sara. “How are you holding up?” A large smile spread across her face.

  Sara chuckled. “Good.” She looked around the room and chuckled. “They all have a lot of energy, especially that sweet girl. I just hope I can make it all night.”

  Gina snorted and patted her knee. “I think you’ll do just fine, Sara. I can tell they love you already.”

  “Gina, do you need any help in the kitchen?” Sara asked when Gina stood to walk away.

  Another snort burst from her. “The day I need help in the kitchen is the day you need to put me out to pasture.”

  Sara laughed. “Right. Sorry.”

  “Dinner will be on the table in five minutes,” Gina yelled above the chaos.

  One by one, they stood to go in the dining room and sit down for Christmas dinner, the conversations mixing into one riot of sound.

  Grant pulled Sara up into his arms. “I love you, baby,” he said before his head swooped down and took her lips in a drugging kiss, thrusting his tongue in to stroke against hers.

  The blood pumped heavily in her veins as Sara lifted her hands and slid her fingers into his hair and tried to deepen the kiss.

  She loved the way they made her feel. They both always made her feel tiny, very feminine, and always safe. She couldn’t ask for better men. Every day they showed her they loved her in several different ways. They were always trying to get her to laugh. She didn’t think she went an hour without one of them kissing or touching her in some way. Although she loved their hands on her, it kept her in a constant state of arousal that was uncomfortable at times.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go before this gets out of hand or they come looking for us.” Grant tucked her hand in his and pulled her behind him.

  Sara giggled as she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, stopped suddenly, pulling Grant to a stop. She turned to look out the large living room window that faced the driveway. A frown puckered her eyebrows in confusion. A white airport transport van was pulling up outside.

  She looked up at him, puzzled at the huge grin spreading across his face. “Are you expecting someone?”

  Grant shook his head, still smiling, and yelled for Jake. He tightened his arms around her when she tried to move away from him, and waited.

  Sara closed her eyes and leaned back against him. Heat instantly flooded her body. Her hands gripped Grant’s muscle-roped arms through his dress shirt. Her worries dissolved, her whole focus was on Grant and his touch.

  Jake came down the stairs to join them. “Hi, baby.” He slid his hand under her hair, cupped her head, tilted her head back and bent to press his lips against hers for a quick hard kiss. “Let’s go see who’s here.”

  Sara smiled but felt a curious tension invade her. “What are you two up to?”

  They led her out onto the porch, one on each side of her, as people started piling out of the van.

  Sara shielded her eyes with her hands against the rays of afternoon sun. Sara drew in a startled breath and closed her eyes and opened them, afraid to hope.

  She pressed a hand to her heart as it started pounding harshly against her breastbone, stealing her breath. She’d never had this overwhelming feeling of joy in her life.

  Grant tightened his hold on her when her legs gave out and she leaned back against him for support. He bent to press his lips to her ear. “Breathe, baby.” He chuckled.

  She looked over her shoulder at him in confusion, and bit her bottom lip to control the tears burning her eyes. “How did you guys do this?” her voice whispered out.

  Jake ran his hand up and d
own her arm and smiled at her reaction. “We wanted to surprise you, baby. We know how much you missed them and wanted them here for the holidays.”

  She didn’t feel the tears running down her face until Jake gently wiped them away. She cleared the enormous lump of emotion from her throat and smiled brightly. “You can’t imagine what this means to me. All I wanted for Christmas was to have the boys here with us.” She turned and gave Grant and then Jake a tight hug.

  Grant chuckled. “Don’t you think we knew that?” He grasped her shoulders and turned her toward the driveway. “Go hug your babies, sweetheart. I’ve talk to them a lot over the past weeks but I’m anxious to finally meet them in person.”

  She smiled and lifted her long skirt and ran down the steps and flew into the first set of arms she came to, ignoring the harsh shouts to slow down from her men as they followed her down the steps.

  Three pairs of arms came around her. Tears brimmed and fell from her eyes in a river of emotion. Sara laughed but couldn’t keep the tears from coming.

  The boys just smiled. They’d seen her like this in the past when her emotions spilled over and weren’t bothered by her tears. They were tightly bunched together in a big ball of humanity, all talking at once. Sara pulled away briefly to hastily pull Angie, Chad’s wife, in for a hug.

  She chuckled when Angie’s eyes widened dramatically at the sight of Jake and Grant. “Wow” was all she said under her breath, making Sara laugh and hug her daughter-in-law tighter.

  She turned from Angie to see Jake and Grant greet the boys. Tears burned her eyes and a lump of emotion stuck in her throat. They were laughing and joking like old friends or like a family would.